Spiritual Bridge Connecting you to YOU


Spiritual Bridge Connecting you to YOU


Born and raised in France, Michelle Blechner lived in NY for 30 years until she relocated to Miami Florida in 2009. With a background in psychology, first used in the field of Marketing and Research in Paris, then as a successful professional in the international business world, she has now been guided to finally, “Live the life she had come here to live”!

Today, she has evolved into a Spiritual Leader, Life Counselor and Family Constellations Practitioner, facilitating and teaching this leading edge modality.

Bi-lingual and bi-cultural, with a lifetime gathering of spiritual teachings, including a 30 year connection to the Abraham Hicks teachings, has made Michelle an authority in the practice of Universal Laws. These Universal laws, along with Family Constellations Therapy, have been the base from which her coaching method developed and has culminated in her U.R.I.M. program.

Michelle Blechner

Uniting what has been separated

January 04, 20232 min read

Uniting what has been separated

Dear Friends

Isn’t it amazing that Unity is what we all seem to want and the world, our mirror/reflection is showing just the opposite…
We are looking to belong and we walk around excluding, often with good intentions: especially when we separate from the ones we feel are
Inappropriate or inadequate or just “too” different to nicely fit in our mold.
In the same time we feel we do not judge we simply “looking at facts” forgetting that it’s always our perspective filtering the reflective image.

Uniting what has been separated

As I have been taking classes this weekend ( the eternal student that I am) I was reminded yesterday that Bert Hellinger, the Father of Constellations used to say that “We would do anything to belong… give everything to belong….” and that when the system takes a “ hard left or right” as it is the case right now, our “ little self certainty” is shaken up and everything its upside down and inside out.

We certainly have reached that “tipping point” and at the risk to become repetitive I feel challenging to “change the conversation” because it is in every mind, in every home, n every life and we are forced to take a good look at it if we are serious about our desire to change.

The invitation is out for each and everyone of us at one level or another because when push comes to shove we are ALL responsible and we ALL have the tools to do something about. Now the question is: do we have the guts, the courage to show vulnerability, to open our hearts, and to mend our wounds and the wounds of the world,
Remember: there is no victims without perpetrators and all perpetrators are “secret” victims. It’s in our DNA, generationally and culturally carried through many traumatic experiences…. so let’s together reunite and heal the best we can.️

With much love

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Ivan Polic

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Pearl Samuel

Margaret Weiss



The Systemic Constellations Institute of Miami is helping me tremendously to better my professional practice and to take it to a higher level. I would highly recommend any service provider to put the Institute on their personal and training agenda. The trainings have increased my skills level multi-dimensionally whilst simultaneously supporting selfcare and self-management. I can’t emphasize the importance of this work enough; one has to experience it to understand the full scope of its reach.

Sasha I. Ammersingh, M.S.

CEO, Mastery Solutions, Education for Behavior Modification


I would like to say thank you so much to Michelle Blechner! I just did the family constellation therapy with her and it was the best thing that has ever happened to me! I am sure that after this wonderful time with this amazing coach, I’ll be a better person! Thank you sooooooo much, Abundance Flowing for introducing me to this amazing person, cause she made a difference in my life!!! (We met by phone, cause she lives in Miami!) God bless you guys!

Cristina Rocha Cerbone


Michelle, thank you so much for the session yesterday. It was very enlightening for me and very clear for my wife as well. Communicating under your facilitation really allowed us to have a tremendous shift, and the future of our couple is so much brighter.

Andre R


Thank you Michelle for everything you give. I an so appreciative of you and having you as a teacher. So wonderful that life purpose allowed our paths to cross in such a graceful way. I love you.

Carrie M


Completing the 6 week coaching with Michelle was a life changing experience. I came to her with lots of anxiety, self-doubt, and negativity and I was seeking a positive shift in my life. This big change in my life did not come easily. Michelle knew exactly what to say throughout our work together to challenge me. At times I left sessions feeling emotional and puzzled. But over time I grew to understand and appreciate the way she cares more about her clients ultimate well-being than them leaving happy after every session. Being encouraged to complete daily meditation has been incredibly empowering, and I will be continuing this practice from now on. The coaching was the re-set button that I needed in my life. I gained an incredible amount of self-confidence. I value myself more than I ever have and I have found a new perspective to my life. Thank you so much Michelle. I cherish everything I learned from you and am excited about what's to come!!

Denise Logan


The Systemic Constellations Institute of Miami is helping me tremendously to better my professional practice and to take it to a higher level. I would highly recommend any service provider to put the Institute on their personal and training agenda. The trainings have increased my skills level multi-dimensionally whilst simultaneously supporting selfcare and self-management. I can’t emphasize the importance of this work enough; one has to experience it to understand the full scope of its reach.

Sasha I. Ammersingh, M.S.

CEO, Mastery Solutions, Education for Behavior Modification


I would like to say thank you so much to Michelle Blechner! I just did the family constellation therapy with her and it was the best thing that has ever happened to me! I am sure that after this wonderful time with this amazing coach, I’ll be a better person! Thank you sooooooo much, Abundance Flowing for introducing me to this amazing person, cause she made a difference in my life!!! (We met by phone, cause she lives in Miami!) God bless you guys!

Cristina Rocha Cerbone


Michelle, thank you so much for the session yesterday. It was very enlightening for me and very clear for my wife as well. Communicating under your facilitation really allowed us to have a tremendous shift, and the future of our couple is so much brighter.

Andre R


Thank you Michelle for everything you give. I an so appreciative of you and having you as a teacher. So wonderful that life purpose allowed our paths to cross in such a graceful way. I love you.

Carrie M


Completing the 6 week coaching with Michelle was a life changing experience. I came to her with lots of anxiety, self-doubt, and negativity and I was seeking a positive shift in my life. This big change in my life did not come easily. Michelle knew exactly what to say throughout our work together to challenge me. At times I left sessions feeling emotional and puzzled. But over time I grew to understand and appreciate the way she cares more about her clients ultimate well-being than them leaving happy after every session. Being encouraged to complete daily meditation has been incredibly empowering, and I will be continuing this practice from now on. The coaching was the re-set button that I needed in my life. I gained an incredible amount of self-confidence. I value myself more than I ever have and I have found a new perspective to my life. Thank you so much Michelle. I cherish everything I learned from you and am excited about what's to come!!

Denise Logan

Copyright © 2024 Michelle Blechner and The Missing Link by Michelle Blechner, LLC. All rights reserved.